Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fabulous Finley!

This was a particularly meaningful photo shoot for me to do.  Finley's mother is my daughter's best friend, Lauren, whom I've known since the girls were teenagers.  Lauren is like a daughter to me, and it's been such a pleasure to see her grow up, become a wife, and now a mother.  She's a girl with a shining personality and a heart of gold, and I love her dearly.  Lauren's husband, Chris, is just the right man for her, and it was especially touching to watch him interact with Finley yesterday. Sweet Finley was an excellent model!  He didn't fuss at all, and it's very evident that he doesn't have a care in the world.  I suspect Finley's only problem would be giving each of his adoring parents ample time with him. If you were to look up the word "family" in the dictionary, I think you should see Lauren, Chris and Finley there.  Much love to the three of you!

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