Thursday, October 3, 2013

France Day Eleven - Part Deux

Here are more photographs from yesterday's walk around Paris...just a very small area in and around the Marais District, but so much to see!


  1. OMG, I am drooling over the macarons. I just love the way the French women dress-they just please themselves. Good for them! (We had the best pastrami ever at Finklestein's in the Marais district...although Madame Finklestein was less than nice.)

    Travel safely back to the US.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie (at least I think that's you)!

  2. Some good news. We will have a cool front come in Saturday and drop temps 20 degrees. It was 92 today. The bad news would be you'll be back in Texas. Enjoy what's left of your trip. Girls are fine. Balch Springs Willie

  3. Bonjour Vickie!

    C'est moi...Kathy Truett. I've been back in Dallas 5 days from my own two week adventure in France (Brittany, Normandy and Paris). I'm still so jet lagged that I've been up wide awake since before 5:00 a.m. so decided to catch up with all of your blog photos and stories. I feel like I'm back over there. Thanks for making my upcoming day at V&E more bearable (I'll start planning my Alsace trip today at the office...shh!) Let's get together when you get back. Enjoy your last day and safe travels home!

    1. Hello, Kathy! I want to hear all about your trip! Can't believe it's my last night in Paris to be tucked into my little bedroom, catching up on my blog posts! We will definitely get together later this month!

  4. Purses, Yarn and Macarons! These are a few of my favorite things!!
