Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Luggage

I seem to have lots of vintage suitcases hanging around my house.  I normally use them for photography props, but Christmas found me thinking "outside the box" and fixing them up a bit.  This one holds a favorite globe of mine (it lights up!), as well as some little Golden books that were Krista's when she was young.  The little white bear was the first thing I ever bought for her...I was three months pregnant and found it in a little shop in Sedona, Arizona in 1979.
This little aqua train case is just the right size to hold some Christmas treasures.
 This train case was my mother's.  It was a wedding present to her in 1951.
 I found this suitcase at an antique store in Winfield, Alabama.  When I got it back to Dallas and checked it out more thoroughly, I found a folded up shopping bag from Graceland in one of the pockets.  My vintage snowman looks right at home here, don't  you think?

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