Friday, October 21, 2016

St. John, Virgin Islands - Day One

I'm not counting yesterday, since it took me until 11 pm to get here after leaving the the Dallas airport at 5 am (thanks, American Airlines). Today has more than made up for it, though. I'm here to photograph a wedding. The welcome dinner is tonight, and the wedding is on the beach tomorrow at sunset. Never having been here before, my camera is suffering a sensory breakdown. It's so gorgeous, and, well, different than what I'm used to seeing. The condo where I'm staying is insane, and I highly recommend it:  Sea Shore Allure. There are eight condos in a gated area, right on the water. Sheer perfection.
 A large portion of St. John is part of the Virgin Islands National Park. The viewpoints and beaches are sublime.

 The people are happy!

 There are wild donkeys, munching on grass, all along the roads. I think they have a very good life.

 Even this boat is happy!

 There's even a little Lutheran church here.
 This is the ferry that brought me over from St. Thomas last night. It only takes about five minutes.

Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. The Quiet Mon PUb...I would have to take a book and go there! Love Miss D i v o r c e...make me sing a song. The pallet garden is wonderful too. What a blessed weekend that has been bestowed upon you. Life is good and Isadora at the bathtub will never be forgotten. :)
