Susan has two pets: a loveable but hairless sweetie pie cat named Carmella and a handsome, dapper dog named Jakk. They are beyond loved, and I suspect they are very happy to live in such a creative environment!
Susan's home is full of things I'd like to stuff in my purse and run out the door with!
The chair would be a tight squeeze though! Susan's upstairs studio really is a calming retreat:
Here's Susan with some vintage Christmas ornaments that belonged to her grandmother.
We sat up our Valentine crafting on the dining room table. When the host said, "Don't bring anything," she meant it! I've never seen so many art supplies in my life!
I would occasionally take a break from "crafting," and wander around capturing some images of beautiful things like these:
One of the girls, Sharry, brought much coveted Sprinkles cupcakes for us, personalized even! I documented Susan holding the box, just so everyone would know it existed. Within seconds, only a mass of crumbs remained. The red velvet were delicious!
We diligently decorated for several hours before retiring to a nearby tea room for a ladies luncheon. How civilized! Good thing we only discussed wholesome things like housekeeping and doing the laundry...
Well, I wasn't done, but a cute little box popped up saying I was out of space on blogger, and I had to go and pay $5.00 for 20 GB more. Now it says it might take a day to process it! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! You're probably bored by now anyway, but know that some darned good Valentines were made in Dallas this morning. Catch you later!